Jean’s Past Exhibition Invitations

As we're working on Jean's next exhibition, we revisited some past vernissage invitations to get some ideas. Here are a few and the inspiration behind their designs. This invitation (cover and inside text) is from Jean's 2006 "Horoscopes and Teapots" exhibition at Green T. in Rome. We chose a very graphic-design teapot painting by Jean and had it printed on textured paper.

In 2008, Jean exhibited in Sansepolcro, Tuscany. The title of the vernissage was "Dragons, Monkeys and Pomegranate Trees: Stories of Colourful Images". We chose one of our favourite paintings, "Meet Me in the Bamboo Grove", for the invitation, because of course, monkeys were featured in the title, and there was a story waiting to be told.

We created a postcard-style invitation for Jean's exhibition, "Asia, Umbria, Living in Colour", presented at the Art Hotel in Rome in 2003. The invitation had a very simple design, contrasting with the complex, colourful and detailed painting by Jean, "Bali II", representing 'Asia' in the title, printed on smooth, optic white paper.

Jean displayed paintings in a group exhibition in 2013, in Citerna, Umbria, titled, "Cups, Teapots and Landscapes". For this invitation, we chose another teapot painting by Jean and kept a minimalist one-sided composition printed on stiff cardboard. Jean's invitations are always very straightforward, focusing on her bold and vivid artwork, combining eye-pleasing lettering and appropriately textured paper.

For more about Jean's exhibitions visit


The Year of the Dragon


Korean Folk Art – Crane Inspiration